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About Page

The TRP (Temporary Resident Permit) is a temporary permission for inadmissible people who need or want to go to Canada but their DUI offense happened less than five years ago. It is valid for a specific period of time. Not all of them grant re-entry as well so you’ll have to keep that in mind if you plan to travel to Canada again soon. You’ll need to fill out a form and mention the specific purpose of your visit there. Factors like the date of the DUI conviction, the sentence you received and your ground for wanting to cross the Canadian border are important for the approval of the submission.


These waivers don’t get solved overnight. That’s why you should talk right away to a qualified lawyer if you have to go to Canada soon for whatever reason. Explain the whole situation and get professional guidance to receive a special permission. Solving this matter in a timely manner will prevent further unpleasant situations at the Canadian border.

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